Sunday, September 03, 2006

Goodbye Lýsi House - Lýsi the corner stone of Icelanders health

Demolishion of old Lýsi factory in Reykjavik. Destruction can be beatiful [thought of the day]

Little pardadice is closed, time to find new one!

People who don't know what Lýsi is: Lýsi is company / brand which produces fish oil products like codliver oil etc...

Lýsi by night, looks like Lebanon after Israel attacked them (seen on news).. I can just imagine what it would be in reality to have total destruction of my own livinghood... [the second thought of the day]

- hmm, time for conclusion: today I had few thoughts, therefore I am thinking.. and therefore I am [freely borrowed from Descartes]


At 2:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taiteileminen taitaakin olla joskus vaarallista! Hauska todeta, että bloggailet, puhelimesi kun on ollut niin hiljainen. Jäätikkökuvat ovat henkeäsalpaavia! Onko tiedossa pian uusi näyttely?? Tiedätkö, että sinus kaivataan Suomeen 15.9.? EJ


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